Friday, May 2, 2014

Two Guiding Life Principles for Sanity in an Insane World

                 *woman in photo is not me

I have two guiding principles in life that apply to many things. They do not stem from me being apathetic or rude, but from me trying to keep things in the right perspective. These two guiding principles are “I don’t give a rat’s backside” and “kiss my ass” (KMA). 

In context, someone calling me names because they don’t agree with my opinion or a belief I hold to be true would merit an “I don’t give a rat’s backside” attitude. This is because what someone else thinks of me and my beliefs is not only none of my business, but it will not cause the earth to slip off its axis. It neither steals my bike nor breaks my arm, therefore I am not going to get my knickers in a twist over it. This principle is the passive one of the set.

Conversersely, someone deciding they have some right to strip away my rights would elicit a “kiss my ass” response. This is the assertive one of the set of principles by which I live my life. This attitude can also take the form of action. Not violent action, but assertive action. I do not just ignore what is being done-I actively work against it with the KMA assertion in mind.

This assertive action is sometimes deemed as me being 'feisty' because it involves me speaking up, standing up for myself and others . . . and generally not taking crap from anyone. So be it. I'm feisty.

These two guiding principles of not giving a rat's backside and KMA help keep me sane and functional in a highly insane and dysfunctional world.